Not going to church when you have hit rock bottom is like not going to the doctor when you have had pains in your chest for three days— incomprehensible.

We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company. Psalm 55:14

Our body will give us symptoms of what’s going on inside. When we go to the doctor he/she looks for those symptoms so they can properly diagnosis our medical condition. When they do, they can prescribe the right medicine for your condition. And as always they will tell you that you need to lose weight and exercise more….lol—like we all don’t know that already.

Such it is when we hit rock bottom… with the exception that the symptoms are all the same and the diagnosis is identical. Symptoms— We are sinners, so we commit sin. (Romans 3:23) Diagnosis— We are all sinners by nature. (Galatians 3:22) There is only one “prescribed cure”. (John 14:6) It is the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ! (1 Peter 1:18-19) Without Him, we will die a sinner’s death and spend eternity in Hell! (Matthew 7:21-23)

 So…have you hit rock bottom? Before you try anything else…go to church!