One should look at creation seeing The Architect, The Designer, and The Creator!

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:25

Many in our world have twisted the truth of creation into a lie. The lie is “Evolution”. The Evolution theory in a nut shell is “Everything came from nothing and will return to nothing.” With this type of belief, comes many repercussions in which we are reaping right now in this world. When a society proclaims there is no God, that He did not create us, that we came from nothing, turned into something, and then evolving into an animal which would one day become a human, it will not be long before that society begins acting like animals; animals that kill its own, animals that change the natural use of what it was created for (procreation) into something unnatural, animals that worship themselves instead of The Creator.

Have you believed this lie of Evolution? The outlook of life for an Evolutionist is pretty dim; death and decay! But with a Creationist, with Jesus as Saviour; Life and Life eternal!