God's promises are there for the ones that will ask in faith.

As you read God's promises over, one after the other, you say to yourselves, "This is my checkbook.  I can take out the promises as I want them, sign them by faith, present them at the great Bank of Grace, and come away enriched with present help in time of need."  That is the way to use God's promises. –Spurgeon

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4

I stand amazed at how many people are full of worry and fret. Some act like they have never heard one story from the Word of God when trials and tribulations come. They whine and complain until either their trouble is turned into triumph or it has, in their opinion, ended in turmoil. Child of God, stand up and rejoice in whatever situation God has placed you in. He has entrusted you with it so praise Him for it and share the hope you find in His Word with a lost and dying world. I mean really, what’s the alternative—singing the world’s song of gloom, despair, and agony on me?