Salvation is not something that is done for you but something that happens within you.  It is not the clearing of a court record, but the transformation of a life attitude. –Palmer

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

If you were married but you never came home to your spouse, if you never told her you loved her, if you never had supper with Him, if you never changed the way you spent your time, would someone that wasn’t at the ceremony think you were married? Probably not!

Then it stands to reason, if someone says they are a Christian but never spends time with their Saviour by reading His Word, never comes and dines with His people, never comes to His house, then that person is deceived into thinking they are saved as well. I believe this is where many in the church house stands—lost but blinded by their own religion.

Salvation is more than just going to Heaven! It involves holy living! It involves dying to self! It involves sacrifice! It involves grace! It involves mercy! In what way have you been changed by God saving you? Are you the new creature scripture says you are? If not, there you are probably still lost in your sins and trespasses! So repent ye, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!