Jesus Christ is light to the eye, honey to the taste, music to the ear, joy to the heart. –Spurgeon

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

            Many times we get in the ruts of life. We feel as if we can’t do anything right. We can’t seem to mark off another item on the “To Do” list. It gets us in a state of depression that if not taken care of will lead to health problems!

            I have found when I get a fresh view of my Saviour I can get things done! I see how He helped the woman at the well. I see how He healed one with palsy. I see how He saved souls. It is when we get our eyes back on Him and His grace we find out that we cannot do anything without Him anyway!

            Are you battling an uphill battle of unaccomplished tasks? Is depression breathing down your neck keeping you from rejoicing in your Saviour? Invest some time in the Word today! Seek Him in the Word getting a fresh view of His grace! It will help you get out of the rut of life and back on the run for the Lord!