The mark of a saint is not perfection, but consecration.  A saint is not a man without faults, but a man who has given himself without reserve to God.

Nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt: but I wholly followed the LORD my God. Joshua 14:8

We are all devoted to something; our family, our pets, our job, our leisure time, we spend time on so much but how much do we invest in? There is a difference between spending time and investing time. Spending time is when we give of our time in things that have no lasting goals. However, investing time is when we give of our time in things that will have eternal purposes. We invest time with the kids going to church. We spend time with the kids on the ball field. Sure you can take that time on the field and turn it into things that are eternal but for most it’s just time on the field!

Do we, like Joshua, have a devoted heart that we would say, “I wholly followed the Lord my God.”? If we do, we will be investing time with our loved ones, a lost, dying, and hurting world, and most importantly we will be investing time with our Saviour!