I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to him. -Spurgeon

James 1:22, But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Pastor Tommy Cook recently shared this short little story on sacrifice:

A Chicken and a Pig had a conversation one day:

Pig: “You know Farmer Brown is a really good man”

Chicken: “He sure is, we never have to worry about anything, he feeds us, he cares for us”

Pig: “That’s right, he never forgets about us either”

Chicken: “Yep, you know, we ought to do something special for him”

Pig: “Yea, what do you think we could do?”

Chicken: “Well, we could give him Ham and Eggs!”

Pig: “WHAT?” “Oh no, no, no, we couldn’t do that!”

Chicken: “Why not?” “It would be a nice gift!”

Pig: “NO! “Because for you, it’s an offering, but for me, it would be a sacrifice!!!!!”

             Christ was committed all the way to the cross. How much are we committed to Him this morning?