
If a man has a shriveled-up heart and a big head he is a monster. - D.L. Moody

Proverbs 30:13, There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.

            One major issue of our day is how a person views themselves. While the Bible clearly describes each of our wicked, vile hearts, this old world would have us to believe there is some good within everyone. How far from the Truth that is! But praise the Lord it doesn’t have to be!

            You see, while we were yet sinners; vile, uncompassionate, prideful, wicked, self-willed monsters, Jesus died to save us! For many, pride blinds them to their sin-sick state. Pride blinds them to the Grace of God. Pride blinds them to their need of the Saviour!

            This morning, do yourself a huge favor! GET UP, GET READY, and GO TO CHURCH, learning what the Bible says about you and what Jesus has done for you!