THERE IS COMING A DAY              

It is shocking to reflect that a change in the weather has more effect on some men's lives than the dread alternative of heaven or hell. -Spurgeon

2 Timothy 3:1, This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

            In 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul is instructing a young preacher named Timothy in the days ahead. He doesn’t paint a pretty picture either. He is basically saying that things aren’t going to get any better. In fact, things on Earth are going to get worse before we meet the Lord face to face. It is my prayer that you will not meet Him at the Great White Throne Judgment where He judges those dead in sin. I pray you will meet Him at the Judgment Seat of Christ where He judges you on what you have done since receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

            There is coming a day friend in which you stand before God and give an account of your life. Do you know where you will meet Him? If you don’t, you can. Ask me how or GET UP, GET READY, and GO TO A BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH! Don’t know one, ask and I’ll find one in the area you are in!