The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. -F.D. Roosevelt

2 Timothy 1:7, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

In this fear mongering-area we are living in, I am reminded that God has not given us the spirit of fear! He has given us power, love, and a mind that is aware of what the enemy desires to do to God’s children! His desire is to sift us like wheat, devouring us like a roaring lion does his prey.

Child of God, FEAR NOT! God is still on the throne! He has not relinquished any of His power to the enemy! The time at hand has not surprised the Lord. He has prepared us through His Word for such as time as this!

So, dust that Bible off! Open its’ pages, asking God to guide you in His Truth so that you will have victory in this life!