

            You cannot stop people's tongues, and therefore the best thing to do is to stop your own ears and never mind what is spoken. -Spurgeon

1 Corinthians 10:31, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

            Let me help you, people will always talk. They will either talk good about the decisions you make or they will talk bad about the decisions you make. Either way, they’re going to talk. But I also know to consider three things;

Who is doing the talking? Is it someone you have respect for? Are they looking out for your best interest? Do they know something about the situation that you don’t?

What are they saying? The decision you made may have truly been a really dumb idea. You may want to take the counsel of that individual no matter who they are.

Finally, is what they are saying apply to me or are they way off base. They may not have all the information and respond without knowing everything but out of concern for you they step in to give advice. If this is the situation, thank them for their concern but let it go in one ear and out the other. Hey, they care enough to speak up!

            You don’t always have to respond to someone’s post on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Tik Tok, or any other social media outlet. Just like you don’t have to listen to someone when they don’t have a clue about the whole situation. Cover your ears, hold back that response and understand people are going to talk. Let the Lord handle their tongue!


Jesus Christ is light to the eye, honey to the taste, music to the ear, joy to the heart. –Spurgeon

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 2 Corinthians 3:5

Jesus isn’t my crutch, He’s my legs! Jesus isn’t my glasses, He’s my eyes! Jesus isn’t happiness, He is my everlasting Joy! Without Him I would be a nobody, going nowhere! But Oh, Jesus is my everything!