

If a man has a shriveled-up heart and a big head he is a monster. - D.L. Moody

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Many go about life with a bloating of pride that they cannot see the accomplishments of others. They look down their self righteous nose blinded by their own sin and corruption. It may a successful business entrepreneur that has built a legacy for generations to come. It could be a grandmother who has raised a family who brings her honor and glory. It could be the pastor behind the pulpit that has laboured hard in the ministry and has a congregation that even Paul would be proud of. If we take the glory from God for what He has done in and through us, we are no better that Satan himself needing to be kicked out of the place God has given us.

Child of God, be humble. Be meek pointing others to Jesus. Be one who is quick to praise God and others. Spurgeon said, “The more fit a man is for God's work, the lower he esteems himself.“