

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  –Ovid

And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. Matthew 14:23

            My former Pastor had a saying that has stuck with me, “Come apart before you come apart!” You see, everyone needs to have a break from the day to day pressures of life. Whether it is our job, household, financial, or church responsibilities, we need to take a break from them. If we don’t, life can begin to cave in around us until we shrink back in a corner being of no use to our Saviour.

            Oh you’re probably thinking about a vacation. Going to the beach to get some, beach therapy or to the mountains for some mountain medicine can provide that much needed rest. There isn’t anything wrong with those things or whatever you do for fun. However, between those vacays, there is something you can do every day. You can follow Jesus’ example and come apart in a season of prayer.

Prayer gives us that much needed break from our day to day pressures. It will improve our health! It helps control pain, depression, stress, and a many more life threatening issues we face. So, do yourself a favor and come apart for a season of prayer today!


Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  –Ovid

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:3

Now we all know God did not need to rest after He created everything in the first six days of time. What He was doing was setting an example for you and I that we needed to rest. We need a time away to clear our thoughts, getting our focus back on the things that are important; our relationship with our Saviour, our sweet heart, and the Saviour’s calling on our life.

What a blessing it is to get a way for a while but what an opportunity to get busy doing what He has called us to! Yes, even on a Monday after vacation we can get excited in sharing the Good News of the Gospel to a lost and dying world!


A short time away to pray, meditate, and/or to enjoy life will give you just the break needed to continue on to what God has called you to.

And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. Matthew 14:23

A former Pastor had a saying and it has stuck in my head for many years, “Come apart before you come apart.” I don’t know where it originates but the truth behind those five words is tremendous! The few moments on a walk outside, the ride to the store to pick up a candy bar, the hike up your favorite mountain, some time in your prayer closet, going to your happy place, a visit to the old rock altar behind the barn, a trip to the mountains, a trip to hear the waves crash on the sand, or just a walk around the house can prove to be the prescription of a successful day, week, month, or year!

Take a break! As Christ as our example, go up to a mountain, stay a while, and pray!

For too much rest itself becomes a pain. –Homer

Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening. Psalm 104:23

I am glad for vacations but at the same time I am also glad to be getting back into some type of routine. No defined rise and shine time. No defined time to get to bed. No defined time to be anywhere. It is dangerous for us to have too much idle time on our hands. It makes us weak and our defenses are let down so much so that we are easy targets for the enemy. Child of God, be strong and of good courage! Do not let your guard down! Be Alert! Our adversary is seeking who he may devour….will it be you? Don’t let him become a pain in your life by not being where God wants you to be!